Hello, I am Shubhamkar Ayare. My work may be summarized in terms of two main spheres of life.

Primary sphere of a graduate student. I have recently completed my master's in Cognitive Science from IIT Kanpur. There, I have worked under Prof. Nisheeth Srivastava as part of the PLATIPUS Lab. Currently, I'm looking forward to be part of the Cognitive Development Center of Central European University and, more particularly, the Causality Lab under Prof. Jonathan Kominsky as part of my upcoming PhD studies.

My primary sphere is largely driven by a quest to put the unknown unknowns relevant for building machines with human-like general intelligence into a more-or-less consistent framework. See what research areas this has touched so far.

Secondary sphere of a Common Lisp enthusiast. This mainly began around my undergraduate days in Computer Science at IIT Bombay. It has been motivated by a search for a powerful practical yet stable programming platform for long term projects. This sphere contributes to my primary sphere every now and then, but it may be understood independently. See what projects this sphere had led to.

Besides these two spheres of life, I keep reading and sharing links to interesting, useful, or silly articles I run into or, sometimes, write. Upon a friend's recommendation, I'm maintaining them here.


Email: shubhamayare[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]in.

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