Curiosity got the better of me one day, and I set out to explore the limits of numerical computing with Common Lisp. I mean - what does speed require? Just memory-locality and SIMD? SBCL has memory-locality. What about SIMD? Well, the functionality hasn't been "standardized" yet, and there are several attempts. Indeed, SBCL needs more documentation - think Emacs! But knowledge exists in people's heads. People are willing to share it. So, this was possible.
PS: This library began as a reddit post, that, in turn, was triggered by this reddit post.
You should probably use the latest SBCL (get from git), at least SBCL-2.0.9. The build is fairly easy: sh make.sh && sh run-sbcl.sh # or install.sh
or pick a binary from here.
Project Predecessors
The project renaming reflects an attempt to separate the portable parts of the codebase from the SBCL-specific part, so that a portability attempt may be made in the future.