
There are two main asdf systems:

  • numericals is designed to work with cl:array so that interfacing with the rest of the lisp ecosystem is trivial
  • dense-numericals is designed to work with dense-arrays:array

Each of these has a number of systems and corresponding packages:

  • utils
  • basic-math
  • transcendental
  • statistics
  • linalg
  • random

These can be loaded individually. For example (asdf:load-system "numericals/random"). Except utils all the others depend on C foreign libraries.

See Installation to get started.

Table of Contents


Package: numericals/utils or dense-numericals/utils


numericals and dense-numericals come with a number of dynamically bound configuration variables that are put to use in non-inlined code. These include:


Default Unbound

If BOUND, this is the default value of the or TYPE (or also ELEMENT-TYPE for DENSE-ARRAYS) argument. Overrides *array-element-type-alist*. Is overriden by explicitly passing an TYPE (or also ELEMENT-TYPE for DENSE-ARRAYS) argument.


Default Value: NIL

An ALIST mapping package to the default element-type used in that package.

  • Inspired from SWANK:*READTABLE-ALIST*
  • Overrides none.
  • Is overriden by *array-element-type* when bound, or by explicitly passing an TYPE (or also ELEMENT-TYPE for DENSE-ARRAYS) argument.


Default Value: :ROW-MAJOR

For dense-numericals this specifies the default layout constructed by make-array and constructor functions like asarray, zeros, ones, etc in the DENSE-ARRAYS-PLUS-LITE package.

For numericals, this is a dummy variable provided so that code written for numericals may be easily upgradeable to dense-numericals.


Default Value: T

If non-NIL, operations automatically perform broadcasting as necessary. If NIL, broadcasting is expected to be performed by the user. Such strictness can be helpful to locate bugs. Broadcasting follows the numpy broadcasting semantics.


Default Value: SINGLE-FLOAT

Used for converting non-float arrays to float arrays for floating-point operations like trigonometric functions.


Default Value: NIL

Inlining is usually necessary for smaller arrays; for such arrays multithreading becomes unnecessary. If this parameter is non-NIL, code using multithreading would be emitted; otherwise, the code would be skipped.

This is only relevant for transcendental functions which uses lparallel for multithreading.


Default Value: 80000

The lower bound of the array size beyond which LPARALLEL is used for distributing [transcendental] operations across multiple threads.

NOTE: It is not defined if this bound is inclusive or exclusive.

Generating arrays

Beyond the cl:make-array and dense-arrays:make-array, a number of utilities are provided to generate arrays:

From lists of elements: asarray

Function: (asarray array-like &key out type layout)
  • array-like can be a list, nested lists, with the nodes ultimately containing numbers or arrays.
  • type indicates the element-type of the array to be generated. The elements from array-like will be coerced to this type
    • type can also be auto, in which case, the element type of the array to be generated will be guessed from the element types of array-like
  • layout is either :row-major or :column-major. However, cl:array can only be :row-major, thus, :column-major is only applicable for dense-arrays:array.

Direct ways (avoid list allocation)

More direct ways to generate arrays (without allocating lists) include the functions zeros and ones. Both have the common lambda list:

(shape &key type layout)

The shape is a list of numbers, but it can also be a spliced list of numbers.

(numericals:zeros 3 :type 'single-float) ;=> #(0.0 0.0 0.0)
(numericals:zeros 2 3 :type 'double-float)
;=> #2A((0.0d0 0.0d0 0.0d0) (0.0d0 0.0d0 0.0d0))
(numericals:zeros '(2 3) :type 'double-float)
;=> #2A((0.0d0 0.0d0 0.0d0) (0.0d0 0.0d0 0.0d0))
(numericals:ones '(2 3) :type 'double-float)
;=> #2A((1.0d0 1.0d0 1.0d0) (1.0d0 1.0d0 1.0d0))

In cases where prefilling an array with 0 or 1 is not important, there is also the empty function.

A generalization of ones is the full function, which takes in the additional keyword argument value.

(numericals:full 4 :type 'double-float :value 42)
;=> #(42.0d0 42.0d0 42.0d0 42.0d0)

In addition to these, arrays with uniform random numbers can be generated using the rand function. The lambda list for this is similar to zeros or ones but it has the additional keyword arguments min and max indicating the range of the uniform number distribution. These have the default values 0 and 1 respectively.

(numericals:rand 3 :type 'single-float)
;=> #(0.90184736 0.7570008 0.094017744)
(numericals:rand 3 :type 'single-float :min -10.0 :max 10.0)
;=> #(8.339874 1.0285072 2.144558)

All of these have a XXX-like counterpart which takes in an existing array and generates an array with shape and element-type similar to the input array.

Transposing existing arrays

Function: (transpose array &key axes)

Transposes an array along one or more axes. See numpy's tranpose documentation for more details.

Reshaping existing arrays

Function: (reshape array new-shape)

See numpy's reshape documentation.

Copying existing arrays

This functionality depends on C foreign libraries and is made available after loading numericals/basic-math or dense-numericals/basic-math. An alternative is to use alexandria:copy-array or dense-arrays:copy-array.

Type-casting existing arrays


Modifying arrays


Lambda List: (fill array value)

Fill each location in array with value.


Accessor function for arrays with semantics similar to numpy's indexing semantics. See

[Enhanced] Lambda List: (aref* array &rest subscripts &key out)

Each element of SUBSCRIPTS can be - either an integer denoting the position within the axis which is to be indexed - or a list of the form (&OPTIONAL START &KEY END STEP) with each of START END STEP being integers if supplied. START denotes the start position within the axis, END denotes the ending position within the axis, STEP denotes at what distance within the axis the next element should come after the previous, starting from START

Each of the SUBSCRIPTS, START, END, STEP can also be negative integers, in which case the last element along the axis is given the index -1, the second last is given the index -2 and so on. Thus, (aref ... '(-1 :step -1)) can reverse a one dimensional array.

Like, cl:aref or abstract-arrays:aref, returns the element corresponding to SUBSCRIPTS if all the subscripts are integers and there as many subscripts as the rank of the array.

The performance of this function is slightly different for cl:array compared to dense-arrays:array. In particular, numpy-like indexing requires multidimensional offsets. cl:array only have a single dimensional offset, thus, when using aref* a copy of the cl:array is created. The copy may be made into a preallocated array supplied using the :out keyword argument. In contrast, because dense-arrays:array support multidimensional offsets and strides, merely a wrapper object (a "view") is created. A view is a window into the original array and thus avoids copying the elements of the original array. This occurs when the number (aka length) of SUBSCRIPTS were less than the array's rank, or if some of the SUBSCRIPTS were lists described above.

Examples illustrating the numpy-equivalent indexes:

a[::]       (aref a nil)
a[::2]      (aref a '(0 :step 2))
a[3, ::-1]  (aref a 3 '(-1 :step -1))
a[3::, -1]  (aref a '(3) -1)

The SUBSCRIPTS can also be integer or boolean arrays, denoting which elements to select from each of the axes. But in this case the corresponding elements of the array are copied over into a new array.

Transforming arrays

numericals/utils and dense-numericals/utils only provides transpose and reshape. The other tranformation function concat is provided by [basic-math].

Basic Math

This functionality is provided by the numericals/basic-math or dense-numericals/basic-math systems and packages. Broadly, These can be divided into the following groups.

Standard arithmetic operations

Binary operations that take in two arguments and return a new result:

add subtract multiply divide

Their common lambda list can be given by:

Lambda List: (x y &key broadcast out)
  • The inputs X and Y to these functions can be numbers, arrays, or array-like objects (such as lists or lists of lists).

  • The keyword OUT argument can be supplied to use an existing pre-allocated array and avoid array allocation.

  • The default value of BROADCAST is given by *broadcast-automatically* but can be overriden by supplying the keyword BROADCAST argument. When this is NIL, arguments must be of the same shape.

Equivalent operations which modify the first argument assuming it is an array end with a '!'.

add! subtract! divide! multiply!
  • In contrast to their non-destructive counterparts, their lambda lists do not contain the OUT argument. The first argument is implicitly taken as the OUT.
Lambda List: (x y &key broadcast)

Finally, there are the n-ary operations corresponding to the lisp functions.

+ - / *

These take in any number of arguments, which can be number, arrays, lists or nested lists, and also an optional keyword argument OUT.

In cases where the arguments are non-arrays,

  • for binary operations, they are converted to a type given by
(or (when (boundp '*array-element-type*)
    (cdr (assoc *package* *array-element-type-alist*))

The type upgradation also occurs if the arrays are of heterogeneous types and the OUT argument is unsupplied. This upgradation is performed by numericals/common:max-type.

When compiled with (optimize speed), an attempt is made using compiler macros to convert calls to n-ary operations into the binary operations. However, this can be fragile, and for performance reasons, users are recommended to use the binary operations.

Comparison operations

Similar to the arithmetic, these operations can again be grouped into functions that take in two arguments:

  • two-arg-<
  • two-arg-<=
  • two-arg-=
  • two-arg-/=
  • two-arg->
  • two-arg->=

Their lambda lists is exactly identical to the arithmetic operations.

Lambda List: (x y &key broadcast out)

CL counterparts that take in two or more than two arguments are given by:

  • <
  • <=
  • =
  • /=
  • >
  • >=

In contrast to their CL counterparts, these functions return a 0 or a 1 instead of NIL or T respectively when their arguments are scalar. When the arguments are arrays or array-like, the output is an array of element type (unsigned-byte 8).

This makes it easy to use SIMD-accelerated operations from BMAS and can make a massive difference in performance. Note below that numericals:two-arg-< is about 25 times faster than cl:<.

CL-USER> (let ((a (numericals:rand 10 10 :type 'single-float))
               (b (numericals:rand 10 10 :type 'single-float))
               (c (numericals:rand 10 10 :type t)))
           (declare (optimize speed)
                    (type (simple-array single-float (10 10)) a b)
                    (type (simple-array t (10 10)) c))
           (time (loop repeat 1000000
                       do (loop for i below 10
                                do (loop for j below 10
                                         do (setf (aref c i j)
                                                  (cl:< (aref a i j)
                                                        (aref b i j))))))))
Evaluation took:
  4.939 seconds of real time
  4.938077 seconds of total run time (4.938077 user, 0.000000 system)
  99.98% CPU
  13,843,343,776 processor cycles
  0 bytes consed

CL-USER> (let ((a (numericals:rand 10 10 :type 'single-float))
               (b (numericals:rand 10 10 :type 'single-float))
               (c (numericals:rand 10 10 :type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
           (declare (optimize speed)
                    (type (simple-array single-float (10 10)) a b)
                    (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (10 10)) c))
           (time (loop repeat 1000000
                       do (numericals:two-arg-< a b :out c :broadcast nil))))
Evaluation took:
  0.187 seconds of real time
  0.187028 seconds of total run time (0.187028 user, 0.000000 system)
  100.00% CPU
  524,357,913 processor cycles
  144,019,840 bytes consed


Rounding operations

CL has four rounding operations. Their counterparts are given by the following shadowing symbols in numericals/basic-math or dense-numericals/basic-math.

  • ffloor
  • fceiling
  • fround
  • ftruncate
Lambda List: (value &key broadcast out)

Similar to the arithmetic functions, these also have the in-place counterparts which assume that the first argument is an array and is the implicit OUT argument.

  • ffloor!
  • fceiling!
  • fround!
  • ftruncate!

Bitwise Operators

Currently, only the following bitwise operators are implemented:

  • lognot
  • two-arg-logand
  • two-arg-logior
  • two-arg-logxor

These employ integer arrays as both input and output.


Polymorphic Function: (abs x &key out broadcast)
Polymorphic Function: (abs! x)

Takes a number or array as an input and computes their absolute value.

abs! computes the absolute value in place and necessarily requires that the input is an array.


Polymorphic Function: (arg-maximum array-like &key axis keep-dims out)
Polymorphic Function: (arg-minimum array-like &key axis keep-dims out)

Find the index of the maximum/minimum element along the axis.


Polymorphic Function: (maximum array-like &key axes keep-dims out)
Polymorphic Function: (minimum array-like &key axes keep-dims out)

Find the maximum/minimum elements along one or multiple axes of array-like into out.

If out is unsupplied, allocates a new array of appropriate dimensions.

If keep-dims is non-NIL, the rank of out will be the same as array-like, otherwise it will be reduced for each axes.

CL-USER> (let ((numericals:*array-element-type* 'single-float))
           (numericals:maximum '((1 2 3)
                                 (-1 4 -1))
                               :axes 0))
#(1.0 4.0 3.0)
CL-USER> (let ((numericals:*array-element-type* 'single-float))
           (numericals:maximum '((1 2 3)
                                 (-1 4 -1))
                               :axes 1))
#(3.0 4.0)
CL-USER> (let ((numericals:*array-element-type* 'single-float))
           (numericals:maximum '((1 2 3)
                                 (-1 4 -1))
                               :axes '(0 1)))
CL-USER> (let ((numericals:*array-element-type* 'single-float))
           (numericals:maximum '((1 2 3) 
                                 (-1 4 -1))))
CL-USER> (let ((numericals:*array-element-type* 'single-float))
           (numericals:maximum '((1 2 3)
                                 (-1 4 -1)) 
                               :axes '(0 1) :keep-dims t))


Polymorphic Function: (sum array-like &key axes keep-dims out)

Find the sum of elements along one or multiple axes of array-like into out.

If out is unsupplied, allocates a new array of appropriate dimensions.

If keep-dims is non-NIL, the rank of out will be the same as array-like, otherwise it will be reduced for each axes.

CL-USER> (let ((numericals:*array-element-type* 'single-float))
           (numericals:sum '((1 2 3)
                             (-1 4 -1))
                           :axes 0))
#(0.0 6.0 2.0)
CL-USER> (let ((numericals:*array-element-type* 'single-float))
           (numericals:sum '((1 2 3)
                             (-1 4 -1))
                           :axes 1))
#(6.0 2.0)
CL-USER> (let ((numericals:*array-element-type* 'single-float))
           (numericals:sum '((1 2 3)
                             (-1 4 -1))
                           :axes '(0 1)))
CL-USER> (let ((numericals:*array-element-type* 'single-float))
           (numericals:sum '((1 2 3)
                             (-1 4 -1))
                           :keep-dims t))

Transcendental Operations

Package: numericals/transcendental or dense-numericals/transcendental

The following operations have been implemented that use SIMD powered by SLEEF.

Trigonometric Operations

| Standard           | sin   | cos   | tan   |
| Inverse            | asin  | acos  | atan  |
| Hyperbolic         | sinh  | cosh  | tanh  |
| Inverse Hyperbolic | asinh | acosh | atanh |

All have the following signature:

Function: (<fn> x &key out broadcast)

atan additionally has the following signature, mimicking the optional x argument of cl:atan:

Function: (<fn> y x &key out broadcast)


Function: (expt base power &key broadcast out)
Function: (exp x &key broadcast out) # base e exponentiation

Natural Logarithm

This has two signatures, mimicking the optional base argument of cl:log:

Function: (log x &key broadcast out)
Function: (log x y &key broadcast out)

The first signature computes the natural logarithm of x, while the second signature uses y

In-place Operations

All of the above have in-place equivalents obtained by appending a '!' to the function name. These do not require supplying the out or broadcast argument. Instead, the first argument is treated as out and modified in-place; broadcast is taken as nil.

CL-USER> (let ((a (numericals:rand 3 :type 'single-float)))
           (print a)
           (print (numericals:sin a))
           (print a))

#(0.46031213 0.51501644 0.61946905)
#(0.44422776 0.49254915 0.58060294)
#(0.46031213 0.51501644 0.61946905)
#(0.46031213 0.51501644 0.61946905)
CL-USER> (let ((a (numericals:rand 3 :type 'single-float)))
           (print a)
           (print (numericals:sin! a))
           (print a))

#(0.6814344 0.97704315 0.50856435)
#(0.6299077 0.8288467 0.48692378)
#(0.6299077 0.8288467 0.48692378)
#(0.6299077 0.8288467 0.48692378)

Linear Algebra

Package: numericals/linalg or dense-numericals/linalg

The functions in these packages use the Eigen library of C++. In actuality, a lite C interface is used.


Function: (cholesky array-like &key out)

Compute the cholesky decomposition of positive definite 2D matrices given by array-like. This uses the Eigen::LLT to perform the computation.

For a matrix A, it returns L such that A = L * L^C where L is lower triangular, and L^C is the conjugate of L.




Function: (det array-like &key out)

Calculate the determinant of 2D matrices given by array-like


Function: (eigvals array-like &key eigvals)

Use Eigen::EigenSolver to compute the eigenvalues of the 2D square matrix given by array-like.


Function: (eigvecs array-like &key eigvals eigvecs)

Use Eigen::EigenSolver to compute the eigenvalues and eigvectors of the 2D square matrix given by array-like.


Function: (inv array-like &key out)

Calculate the inverse of 2D matrices given by array-like


Function: (lu array-like &key lu p q)

Calculate the lu decomposition of array-like using Eigen::FullPivLU.

For input A, it returns three matrices p, lu, and q such that

                     A=P^{−1} L U Q^{−1}

where L is unit-lower-triangular, U is upper-triangular, and p and q are permutation matrices. The matrix lu contains L below the diagonal and U above the diagonal.

TODO: matmul seems missing.

The following code illustrates the decomposition and the reconstruction

    (let ((a (asarray '((1 2 3) (4 5 6)) :type 'single-float)))
      (multiple-value-bind (p lu q) (lu a)
        (print lu)
        (matmul (inv p)
                   (asarray '((1 0 0) (0.5 1 0)) :type 'single-float)   ; unit lower triangular
                   (asarray '((6 4 5) (0 -1 -0.5)) :type 'single-float) ; upper triangular
                   (inv q))))


      (  6.000       4.000       5.000    )
      (  0.500      -1.000      -0.500    )
      (  1.000       2.000       3.000    )
      (  4.000       5.000       6.000    )




Function: (norm2 array-like)

Calculate the L2 norm of vectors or the frobenius norm of 2D matrix.


No documentation found for outer


Function: (pinv array-like &key out)

Calculate the psuedo inverse of 2D matrices given by array-like.


Function: (qr array-like &key q r)

Calculate the qr decomposition of array-like.


Function: (rank array-like &key out tol)

Use Eigen::ColPivHouseholderQR to calculate the rank of the matrix given by array-like.

The tolerance or threshold is given by tol. If not supplied or given as zero, it is the default value set by the eigen's methods.


Function: (solve a b &rest args987 &key (out NIL out988))

Solves a system of linear equation A*X = b and returns X as the output. At the time of this writing, it uses the Eigen::partialPivQr for square matrices Eigen::householderQR for non-square matrices.


  1. Eigen::ColPivHouseholderQR documentation for more details

  2. Eigen Linear Algebra Tutorial


Function: (svd array-like s u v)

Calculate the svd decomposition of array-like using Eigen::BDCSVD. For input m-by-n input A, it returns u, s, and v such that

                     A = U S V^H


  • u is a m-by-m unitary,
  • v is a n-by-n unitary,
  • and s is a m-by-n real positive matrix which is zero outside of its main diagonal

The diagonal entries of s are known as the singular values of A and the columns of u and v are known as the left and right singular vectors of A respectively.

The following code illustrates the decomposition and the reconstruction (FIXME: Update):

    (let ((a (asarray '((1 2 3) (4 5 6)) :type 'single-float)))
      (multiple-value-bind (p lu q) (lu a)
        (print lu)
        (matmul (inv p)
                   (asarray '((1 0 0) (0.5 1 0)) :type 'single-float)   ; unit lower triangular
                   (asarray '((6 4 5) (0 -1 -0.5)) :type 'single-float) ; upper triangular
                   (inv q))))


      (  6.000       4.000       5.000    )
      (  0.500      -1.000      -0.500    )
      (  1.000       2.000       3.000    )
      (  4.000       5.000       6.000    )




Function: (vdot a b)

Treat the two input arrays as 1D vectors and calculate their dot product.


Package: numericals/random or dense-numericals/random

Like Linear Algebrain, the functions in these packages too use the Eigen library of C++. In actuality, a lite C interface is used.

Each of the random number generator can return either a scalar floating point number, or an array of floating point numbers with the given shape or size.


To make random number generation reproducible, the seed function is provided:

Function: (seed unsigned-byte-64)

This allows the following piece of code to always generate the same results:

  (numericals/random:seed 42)

Users may then average the performance of their algorithms against a variety of seeds.


Function: (gaussian &key loc mean scale std shape size type out)

Returns a scalar or an array of shape shape (or size) filled with random numbers drawn from a gaussian/normal distribution centered at loc (or mean) and standard deviation scale (or std).

If shape (or size) is nil (default) and out is nil, then only a scalar is returned.

The following are analogous pairs of arguments. Supply only one of these.

  • loc and mean
  • scale and std
  • size and shape

For more information and examples, see:


Function: (chisquare &key size shape out type (ndof 1))

Returns a scalar or an array of shape shape (or size) filled with random numbers drawn from a chisquare distribution with ndof as the degrees of freedom.

If shape (or size) is nil (default) and out is nil, then only a scalar is returned.

Exactly one of size or shape must be supplied; both mean the same thing.

For more information and examples, see:


Function: (beta a b &key size shape out type)

Returns a scalar or an array of shape shape (or size) filled with random numbers drawn from a beta distribution with parameters A (alpha) and B (beta).

If shape (or size) is nil (default) and out is nil, then only a scalar is returned.

Exactly one of size or shape must be supplied; both mean the same thing.

For more information and examples, see:


Package: numericals/statistics or dense-numericals/statistics


Function: (mean array-like &key out axes keep-dims)



Function: (variance array-like &key out axes keep-dims (ddof 0))



Function: (std array-like &key out axes keep-dims (ddof 0))



The following two systems provide packages for using magicl functions:

  • numericals/magicl
  • and dense-numericals/magicl

Functions in the numericals/magicl and the dense-numericals/magicl package are essentially wrappers around magicl and return cl:array and dense-arrays:array respectively. This can be helpful for using magicl with other lisp packages such as numcl or lisp-stat.


Run (asdf:test-system "numericals") or (asdf:test-system "dense-numericals"). This will load the "numericals/tests" or "dense-numericals/tests" system respectively and run the tests.